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XTERRA WETSUITS is the #1 selling triathlon wetsuit in the North America. Dedicated to achieving maximum performance and comfort, XTERRA WETSUITS provides an entire lineup of wetsuits, including entry-level to high-end models. While XTERRA WETSUITS prides itself on supporting the world’s top triathletes, the design process always keeps the amateur in mind. Selling exclusively online without third party distributors, XTERRA WETSUITS is able to put additional resources into researching, designing, and manufacturing wetsuits. Since its founding in 2001, the research and design team has perfected all aspects of the triathlon wetsuit using the best materials available for maximum buoyancy, flexibility and speed through the water—no wetsuit is sold until it is training-tested and race-tested. The end result: the fastest and best performing triathlon wetsuits in the industry. XTERRA WETSUITS is constantly trying to improve its products and San Diego is the perfect location to begin the testing for each new wetsuit prototype. There is not a single wetsuit or speedsuit prototype that has not seen miles in the Pacific Ocean or thousands of yards in local pools. That's why, regardless of the model, XTERRA WETSUITS customers swim in the best wetsuit money can buy. XTERRA WETSUITS guarantees performance with any purchase made direct from the XTERRA WETSUITS warehouse. Standing by its products, XTERRA WETSUITS allows customers to swim, train and race in their new wetsuit during a 30 day no-risk testing period before making a return for a full refund or model/size exchange. To learn more about XTERRA WETSUITS, please visit www.xterrawetsuits.com.
Industry Spectator Sports
Headquarters San Diego, California
Company size 51-200 employees
Website http://www.xterrawetsuits.com
