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Wizard World Overview
Wizard World, Inc. ( produces comic, gaming and pop culture conventions across North America that celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, television, gaming, live entertainment, tech, comics, sci-fi, graphic novels, toys, original art, collectibles, contests and more. A first-class lineup of topical programming and entertainment takes place at each event, with celebrity Q&A's, comics-themed sessions, costume contests, movie screenings, evening parties and more. Wizard World has also launched the digital Wizard magazine and introduced WizPop, a daily news service reporting on the biggest pop culture stories of the day, and featuring a weekly recap covering the news of the week. Fans can interact with Wizard World at and on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other social media services. Additional initiatives may include an augmented touring schedule of Wizard World shows, fixed-site installations, curated e-commerce, and the production and distribution of content both in the U.S. and internationally.
Industry | Entertainment Providers |
Headquarters | Los Angeles, CA |
Company size | 51-200 employees |
Website | |