Western Schools is a nationally accredited and approved, widely recognized leader in continuing education for healthcare professionals, offering expert-authored and peer-reviewed courses.
We offer a large library of affordable coursework in hard copy, online, video, and audio formats for the following healthcare professionals:
• Nurses (RNs, LPNs/LVNs, and APNs)
• Psychiatric Technicians
• Nursing Home Administrators
• Pharmacists
• Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and Dental Assistants
• Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants
• Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants
• Respiratory Therapists
• Social Workers
• Counselors (Mental Health and Addictions)
• Marriage and Family Therapists
• Psychologists
Western Schools' highly credentialed education planners work within each profession to ensure that courses are written by recognized experts in their fields, peer-reviewed by appropriate subject matter specialists, and supported by the latest evidence-based research. This rigorous process ensures that course materials will enhance learning and job performance, improve practice outcomes, meet licensing requirements, and help advance the knowledge and careers of our learners.
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