All Werner Ladder support phone numbers are listed below, including customer service phone number(s), Professional / Industrial support phone number(s), Retail support phone number(s), support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Werner Ladder support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Werner Ladder.
Customer Service number
(Canada) |
+1 877 553 7004 |
[Professional / Industrial] support phone number | +1 888 523 3371 |
[Retail] support phone number | +1 888 523 3370 |
Support phone number | +52 553 977 6809 |
Support phone number
(Mexico) |
+1 915 534 8130#6168 |
Support phone number
(China) |
+86 213 222 1530 |
Support phone number
(Europe) |
+44 162 174 5900 |
Support phone number
(Australia-New Zealand) |
+61 130 076 0717 |
Werner Ladder Overview
WernerCo is a privately owned, fully integrated, global manufacturer and distributor of access products, storage systems, fall protection and light duty construction equipment.
The Company has a history of acquiring adjacent brands/businesses and has been growing, year over year. In recent years WernerCo has also started expanding by acquisition outside of the U.S., particularly in Europe (France (CDH), UK (Abru, Youngman), and most recently in Germany (Zarges). The portfolio of industry leading brands includes Werner, KNAACK®, WEATHER GUARD®, BETTER BUILT®, Youngman®, BoSS®, Centaure, Duarib, Abru, Haemmerlin, Bailey and Zarges. WernerCo products are primarily sold through DIY and professional channels and the majority of customers/ end users are professionals, including contractors, builders, painters, and similar tradespeople.
With over 5,000 employees on four continents, WernerCo has a global manufacturing footprint with 14 sites including warehousing, sales, distribution and office facilities in the U.S., Australia, Canada, China, France , Hungary, Mexico, Philippines, Vietnam, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
Product Overview:
• Access equipment operates through ten brands in North America, UK, France, Germany and Australia / New Zealand.
• Secure storage, is mainly served through the KNAACK® (jobsite storage), WEATHER GUARD®(truck and van storage), and BETTER BUILT® (truck and jobsite storage) in North America and logistic equipment through the Zarges brand in Europe.
• In France and the UK, WernerCo manufactures and markets wheelbarrows and other light construction equipment (e.g., concrete mixers, hose reels) in its light duty construction division – a business acquired as part of the CDH Group in 2016.
• The Fall Protection segment was established in 2011
Industry | Manufacturing |
Headquarters | Itasca, Illinois |
Company size | 5,001-10,000 employees |
Website | |