All Wca Waste Corp support phone numbers are listed below, including support phone number(s), support phone number(s), support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Wca Waste Corp support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Wca Waste Corp.
Support phone number | +1 713 292 2400 |
Support phone number | +1 855 263 0955 |
Support phone number | +1 201 612 1330 |
Wca Waste Corp Overview
WCA is a vertically integrated non-hazardous solid waste management company providing waste collection, transfer, material processing and disposal services. WCA commenced business operations in 2000 in Houston, Texas and has expanded under the guidance of a veteran management team to cover twelve states. WCA provides services to over half a million residential and commercial/ industrial customers.
WCA is a diverse business which operates in the context of a variety of unique cultures and climates. Despite our size, WCA prides itself on its decentralized structure and its ability to provide the local understanding and personalized service of a much smaller business. WCA maintains a team of experienced, knowledgeable and caring people. These individuals understand the company and are more than capable of handling most situations on their own. Where they require additional resources, WCA is well positioned to provide them, with a team of more than 1,500 customer service orientated employees and a fleet over 850 vehicles.
Today, WCA is led by an experienced group of industry experts with a combined 100 plus years of waste sector experience. Collectively, this team has managed large divisions of publicly traded entities, private equity-backed consolidators and privately-held family operations. WCA has the drive, the experience and the financial resources to become the leader in the markets we serve.
Industry | Environmental Services |
Headquarters | Houston, Texas |
Company size | 1,001-5,000 employees |
Website | |