Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

All Virginia Department of Labor and Industry support phone numbers are listed below, including General Info (Richmond) support phone number(s), General Info (Central Virginia) support phone number(s), General Info (Northern Virginia) support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Virginia Department of Labor and Industry support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Virginia Department of Labor and Industry.
[General Info] support phone number
+1 804 371 2327
[General Info] support phone number
(Central Virginia)
+1 804 371 3104
[General Info] support phone number
(Northern Virginia)
+1 703 392 0900
[General Info] support phone number
(Northern Virginia, TDD)
+1 703 392 0165
[General Info] support phone number
+1 757 455 0891
[General Info] support phone number
(Southwest Virginia)
+1 540 562 3580
[General Info] support phone number
+1 276 676 5465
[General Info] support phone number
+1 434 385 0806
[General Info] support phone number
+1 540 248 9280
[Complaints/ Feedback] support phone number
(Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission)
+1 877 664 2566
[Complaints/ Feedback] support phone number +1 804 771 2995
