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The corporate address of Thoro Packaging is listed below. This address may be home address or customer service address, usually including street, city (town), state (province), zip code(postal code), etc. It is recommended that you first confirm this address through support email or customer service phone number. If your product (service) needs support, it is recommended to obtain support through customer service phone and support email. view all customer service contact information.

Thoro Packaging Overview

Thoro Packaging is a sustainable packaging manufacturer based in Southern California, close to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Our location allows us to provide over 50 years of award-winning experience in innovative folding carton design and manufacturing experience. Our eco-friendly packaging expertise caters to customers across multiple industries, such as Medical, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, and Health & Beauty. We are ISO certified and utilize state-of-the-art technologies to meet the strictest standards of excellence in folding carton manufacturing. We are now a proud member of the international Autajon Group. Along with folding cartons, the Autajon Group manufactures labels and set-up boxes across various market sectors such as Perfumes & Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals, Wine & Spirits, and Confectionery & Food Specialties. With 36 companies across Europe, China, and the United States, Autajon drives the spirit of technical craftsmanship and creativity in providing services to small, local business as well as established and prestigious brands. www.AUTAJON.com
Industry Packaging and Containers Manufacturing
Headquarters Corona, CA
Company size 51-200 employees
Website http://www.thoropkg.com
