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TERRO® is the industry leader in ant and pest control and has been a trusted brand for more than 90 years. Based in St. Louis, Missouri, the company offers proven ant control products, including liquid ant baits, aerosol sprays, perimeter granules and ant dust. Other products include: Fruit Fly Traps, Pantry Moth Traps, Spider & Insect Traps, and Spider Killer Spray. TERRO products are widely distributed at all leading hardware, home center, mass merchant, food and drug, farm and fleet and independent garden center retailers nationwide. For more information about TERRO products, call 1-800-837-7644, or visit http://terro.com.
Industry Manufacturing
Headquarters Kirkwood, MO
Company size 11-50 employees
Website http://www.terro.com

 Customer Service Number [Terro]:

Customer Service number +1 844 837 7644
Customer Service number
(Toll Free)
+1 800 800 1819

 Support Email(s) [Terro]:

[Customer Service] email
[Media] contact email
[Legal] contact email
(Privacy Inquiries)
