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Taj Foods Overview
Welcome to the world of Taj Foods...
Taj is an Australian owned family brand, created by entrepreneur & visionary, the late Mr. Sid Varma, during the mid-1970’s.
Like each one of us, every grain has a unique story. Come and explore the heavenly journey with us & experience our love, taste and care with every family meal prepared. As market leaders of savoury excellence – our Basmati Rice resonates luxury and grandeur. As an Australian owned family brand, Taj Foods brings you this ancient delicacy in its purest form, with an enchanting fusion of exotic aroma and mesmerizing taste.
Although primarily known for it’s Basmati, Taj Foods has steadily diversified their product line including but not limited to -
- Other Rice varieties such as Jasmine, Medium Grain, Long Grain, Arborio , Sushi Rice, Brown Rice, Red Rice , Black Rice & more (SunGrow brand)
- Frozen Vegetables ( Taj Ever-fresh)
- Frozen Herbs ( Taj Ever-Fresh)
- Frozen Snacks & Melas ( Taj-Ever-fresh)
- Pickles , Chutneys , Fried Onion & more (Ever-Fresh)
- Organic Food Products ( Organic Tattva Brand)
Our Customized Private Labelling Options-
We process and supply various types of Rice in customized packs at competitive prices.
With our own Basmati Rice plant in Punjab, India, coupled with exclusive manufacturing partnerships with BRC accredited Rice Mills globally, we have capacity to source, process and pack in YOUR BRAND any variety of Rice from India, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam & Cambodia, as per your desired Quality & Pack format.
Industry | Food and Beverage Services |
Headquarters | Macquarie Park, New South Wales |
Company size | 11-50 employees |
Website | |