Flipkart Customer Service Number
Flipkart is committed to trasformig commerce i Idia through ivestmets i made-i-Idia techology iovatios, customer-cetric costructs, a diverse category ladscape ad a world-class supply chai. With a customer base of over 350 millio, product co...
Customer Service: +911 800 202 9898Email: ss@flipkart.com -
UPS Customer Service Number
Operatig i more tha 220 coutries ad territories, UPS is committed to movig our world forward by deliverig what matters. Begiig as a small messeger service started by eterprisig teeagers ad a $100 loa, UPS ad its more tha 500,000 UPSers arou...
Customer Service: +1 800 350 8440 -
McDonalds Customer Service Number
McDoald’s is the world’s leadig global foodservice retailer with over 37,000 locatios i over 100 coutries. More tha 90% of McDoald’s restaurats worldwide are owed ad operated by idepedet local busiess me ad wome. McDoald's & ou...
Customer Service: +1 888 424 4622 -
Dominos Pizza Customer Service Number
What’s behid oe of the world’s top public restaurat brads? Fu ad iovative frachise ad corporate team members who are drive to wi. Ispired to make each day better tha the last, people may joi for differet reasos but what motivates them t...
Customer Service: +1 800 366 4667Email: customercare@dominoscustomercare.com -
Telkom Customer Service Number
Telkom is committed to givig its customers seamless coectivity for a better life. Telkom offers crystal clear voice, superfast broadbad ad robust IT solutios, over both fixed ad mobile etworks. This makes the compay truely differetiated...
Customer Service: +2 781 160 1820 -
Airtel Customer Service Number
Bharti Airtel Limited is a leadig global telecommuicatios compay with operatios i 18 coutries across Asia ad Africa. Headquartered i New Delhi, the compay's product offerigs iclude 2G, 3G ad 4G wireless services, mobile commerce, fixed lie ...
Customer Service: +91 114 444 4121Email: enterprise@in.airtel.com -
Shaw Cable Customer Service Number
Shaw is a leadig Caadia telecommuicatios compay. I a world where beig coected has ever bee more critical, Shaw brigs the best iteret, wireless, video ad home phoe techology together to provide idividuals, families, ad busiesses with the sol...
Customer Service: +1 888 472 2222Email: noc@shawbusiness.ca -
OLX Customer Service Number
At OLX Group, we shape the future of trade to ulock the hidde value i everythig. We shape the future of trade as oe of the world’s fastest-growig etworks of tradig platforms, operatig i 30+ coutries uder 20+ well-loved brads icludig OLX...
Customer Service: +928 001 0101Email: help@olx.com.pk -
Carnival Cruise Line Customer Service Number
Sice our foudig i 1972, Carival Cruise Lie — "The World’s Most Popular Cruise Lie®” — carries millios of passegers every year. We offer a fu ad uique career destiatio for a wide rage of professioals i Marketig, IT, Accoutig/Audit, ...
Customer Service: +1 800 845 2599Email: guestcare@carnival.com -
Keller Williams Realty Customer Service Number
Austi, Texas-based Keller Williams, the world’s largest real estate techology frachise by aget cout, has more tha 1,100 offices ad 200,000 associates. The frachise is also No. 1 i uits ad sales volume i the Uited States. kwx is the holdig...
Experian Customer Service Number
Experia ulocks the power of data to create opportuities for cosumers, busiesses ad society. Durig life’s big momets – from buyig a home or car, to sedig a child to college, to growig a busiess expoetially by coectig it with ew customer...
Customer Service: +1 866 673 0140Email: smallbusiness@experian.com -
ADP Customer Service Number
Desigig better ways to work through cuttig-edge products, premium services ad exceptioal experieces that eable people to reach their full potetial. HR, Talet, Time Maagemet, Beefits ad Payroll. Iformed by data ad desiged for people....
Customer Service: +44 193 259 7000Email: mylifeadvisor@adp.com -
Teleflora Customer Service Number
Desigig better ways to work through cuttig-edge products, premium services ad exceptioal experieces that eable people to reach their full potetial. HR, Talet, Time Maagemet, Beefits ad Payroll. Iformed by data ad desiged for people....
Customer Service: +1 800 963 7374Email: service@teleflora.com -
Lenovo Customer Service Number
Leovo (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) is a US$50 billio Fortue Global 500 compay, with 57,000 employees ad operatig i 180 markets aroud the world. Focused o a bold visio to deliver smarter techology for all, we are developig world-chagig techolog...
Customer Service: +1 855 253 6686#3 -
Dyson Customer Service Number
At Dyso we are focused o solvig the problems that others have igored; solvig them first usig our techology ad igeuity. I order to achieve this we eed to pioeer techologies that are differet ad authetic. This is the core of what we do ad who...
Customer Service: +1 866 693 9766Email: questions@dyson.com -
Windstream Customer Service Number
Widstream Holdigs is a privately held commuicatios ad software compay. Widstream offers maaged commuicatios services, icludig SD-WAN ad UCaaS, ad high-capacity badwidth ad trasport services to busiesses across the U.S. The compay also provi...
Customer Service: +1 866 445 5880Email: support@windstream.net -
Paychex Customer Service Number
The workplace as we kow it is chagig. Paychex leads the way by makig complex HR, payroll, ad beefits simple. Our iovative HR outsourcig techology ad the expertise of our highly traied HR cosultats meet the evolvig eeds of our cliets ad thei...
Customer Service: +1 877 676 4263 -
Telekom Malaysia Customer Service Number
Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), is the atioal coectivity ad digital ifrastructure provider ad Malaysia’s leadig itegrated telco; offerig a comprehesive suite of commuicatio services ad solutios i fixed (telephoy ad broadbad), mobility, cote...
Customer Service: +6 037 890 4700Email: bsr.helpdesk@boardroomlimited.com -
IndiGo Customer Service Number
IdiGo is Idia’s largest passeger airlie with a market share of 53.5% as of October, 2021. We primarily operate i Idia’s domestic air travel market as a low-cost carrier with focus o our three pillars – offerig low fares, beig o-time a...
Customer Service: +91 124 497 3838Email: nodalofficer@goindigo.in -
Holland America Line Customer Service Number
For more tha 140 years, Hollad America Lie has bee a recogized leader i cruisig, takig our guests to exotic destiatios aroud the world. We are committed to our missio: Through excellece, we create oce-i-a-lifetime experieces, every time. ...
Customer Service: +1 206 626 7393Email: partnerships@hollandamerica.com