Calzedonia Customer Service Number
The Calzedoia Group, fouded i Italy i 1986 by Sadro Veroesi, is a vibrat, multi-faceted orgaizatio. Thirty years of busiess have see costat, solid growth i terms of turover ad expasio, the creatio of successful products ad brads, the establ...
Customer Service: +3 380 510 2176Email: [email protected] -
La Perla Customer Service Number
The story of La Perla begis i 1954 i Bologa, a city reowed for its arched coloades ad Reaissace structures. It is here that the taleted corsetry maker Ada Masotti first desiged udergarmets that would revolutioise the way wome dress forever....
Customer Service: +1 877 305 7872Email: [email protected] -
AgentProvocateur Customer Service Number
Fouded i 1994 deep i Soho’s uderbelly, Aget Provocateur carved out a otorious ati-establishmet arrative ispired by its puk roots, ad became reowed for ot beig afraid to shake thigs up. Straddlig the 90’s ad Noughties, AP brought the hid...
Customer Service: +1 888 881 4986Email: [email protected] -