Facebook Customer Service Number
The Facebook compay is ow Meta. Meta builds techologies that help people coect, fid commuities, ad grow busiesses. Whe Facebook lauched i 2004, it chaged the way people coect. Apps like Messeger, Istagram ad WhatsApp further empowered billi...
Customer Service: +1 650 543 4800Email: support@fb.com -
Walmart Customer Service Number
Fifty years ago, Sam Walto started a sigle mom-ad-pop shop ad trasformed it ito the world’s biggest retailer. Sice those foudig days, oe thig has remaied cosistet: our commitmet to helpig our customers save moey so they ca live better. To...
Customer Service: +1 855 533 9669Email: surveysupport@walmart.com -
Sears Customer Service Number
Sears is a leadig itegrated retailer providig merchadise ad related services ad is part of Shop Your Way, a social shoppig experiece where members have the ability to ear poits ad receive beefits across a wide variety of physical ad digital...
Customer Service: +1 800 682 8691Email: compliance@searshc.com -
McDonalds Customer Service Number
McDoald’s is the world’s leadig global foodservice retailer with over 37,000 locatios i over 100 coutries. More tha 90% of McDoald’s restaurats worldwide are owed ad operated by idepedet local busiess me ad wome. McDoald's & ou...
Customer Service: +1 888 424 4622 -
Taco Bell Customer Service Number
Taco Bell Corp., a subsidiary of Yum! Brads, Ic. (NYSE: YUM), is the world’s largest Mexica-ispired quick service restaurat (QSR) brad. From breakfast to late ight, Taco Bell serves customizable tacos, burritos ad quesadillas, amog other ...
Customer Service: +1 800 822 6235 -
Dominos Pizza Customer Service Number
What’s behid oe of the world’s top public restaurat brads? Fu ad iovative frachise ad corporate team members who are drive to wi. Ispired to make each day better tha the last, people may joi for differet reasos but what motivates them t...
Customer Service: +1 800 366 4667Email: customercare@dominoscustomercare.com -
Wayfair Customer Service Number
Wayfair is the destiatio for all thigs home: helpig everyoe, aywhere create their feelig of home. From expert customer service, to the developmet of tools that make the shoppig process easier, to carryig oe of the widest ad deepest selectio...
Customer Service: +1 844 230 5692Email: service@wayfair.com -
Yahoo Customer Service Number
Yahoo is a global media ad tech compay that coects people to their passios. We reach early 900 millio people aroud the world, brigig them closer to what they love—from fiace ad sports, to shoppig, gamig ad ews—with the trusted products,...
Customer Service: +1 800 305 7664Email: michaelkelley@verizonmedia.com -
Kohls Customer Service Number
At Kohl’s, our missio is to ispire ad empower families to lead fulfilled lives. Ad there’s o more rewardig job tha that. It’s ot just about sellig thigs; it’s about lettig customers kow that the thigs that make their lives better ar...
Customer Service: +1 800 564 5740Email: customer.service@kohls.com -
Microsoft Customer Service Number
Every compay has a missio. What's ours? To empower every perso ad every orgaizatio to achieve more. We believe techology ca ad should be a force for good ad that meaigful iovatio cotributes to a brighter world i the future ad today. Our cul...
Customer Service: +1 888 652 2342Email: wehelp@microsoft.com -
Whirlpool Customer Service Number
Life at home has bee at the heart of our busiess for 110 years - it is why we exist ad why we are passioate about what we do. Begiig with our fouders to the everyday actios of our people, our values have always kept us grouded -- Itegrity, ...
Customer Service: +1 800 253 1301 -
Petsmart Customer Service Number
There’s oe thig that uites everyoe who works at PetSmart: we all love pets. Cats, dogs, goldfish, parakeets, hamsters – you ame it, we love them. Every day, we brig our passio together to create somethig amazig: a place for our may best...
Customer Service: +1 800 738 1385 -
Kmart Customer Service Number
Life is ridiculously awesome. That’s a bold statemet. But hey, bold statemets are our thig. So here’s aother oe: Kmart is ridiculously awesome, too. Kow why? Because we work at it. We do’t do aythig halfway. We go out ad crush it. We...
Customer Service: +1 800 377 8634 -
Pepsi Customer Service Number
PepsiCo is a global food ad beverage leader with a product portfolio icludig 22 brads that geerate more tha $1 billio each i aual retail sales. Our mai busiesses – Quaker, Tropicaa, Gatorade, Frito-Lay ad Pepsi-Cola – make hudreds of ej...
Customer Service: +1 800 433 2652 -
Harbor Freight Tools Customer Service Number
I 1977, whe Harbor Freight Tools was started as a small family-owed busiess, we made a commitmet to provide workig people with great quality tools at the lowest prices. Ad for over 40 years, Harbor Freight Tools has doe just that. From had ...
Customer Service: +1 800 444 3353 -
Carnival Cruise Line Customer Service Number
Sice our foudig i 1972, Carival Cruise Lie — "The World’s Most Popular Cruise Lie®” — carries millios of passegers every year. We offer a fu ad uique career destiatio for a wide rage of professioals i Marketig, IT, Accoutig/Audit, ...
Customer Service: +1 800 845 2599Email: guestcare@carnival.com -
Shopify Customer Service Number
Shopify is a leadig global commerce compay, providig trusted tools to start, grow, market, ad maage a retail busiess of ay size. Shopify makes commerce better for everyoe with a platform ad services that are egieered for reliability, while ...
Customer Service: +1 888 746 7439 -
Victorias Secret Customer Service Number
Victoria’s Secret & Co. (VS&Co), through Victoria’s Secret ad Victoria’s Secret PINK, is the world’s leadig specialty retailer with over 1,400 stores globally. With a deep commitmet to our people, purpose ad plaet, Victoria�...
Customer Service: +1 800 970 1109Email: tellvictoria@victoriassecret.com -
Rheem Customer Service Number
Fouded i 1925, Rheem is the oly maufacturer i the world that produces heatig, coolig, water heatig, pool/spa heatig ad commercial refrigeratio products. Rheem is headquartered i Atlata, ad it has a iteratioal presece i 14 coutries. The comp...
Customer Service: +656 872 1161Email: customerservice@rheem.com -
Entergy Customer Service Number
At Etergy (NYSE: ETR), we power life. More tha 100 years ago, our fouder Harvey Couch started this compay with a hadshake, some sawdust ad a visio. Couch wated to brig safe, affordable, reliable eergy to the Middle South – eergy that woul...
Customer Service: +1 800 368 3749