UPS Customer Service Number
Operatig i more tha 220 coutries ad territories, UPS is committed to movig our world forward by deliverig what matters. Begiig as a small messeger service started by eterprisig teeagers ad a $100 loa, UPS ad its more tha 500,000 UPSers arou...
Customer Service: +1 800 350 8440 -
American Airlines Customer Service Number
We’re hirig thousads of ew team members i 2022. Will you be oe of them? Here at America Airlies, we care for people o life’s jourey — whether that’s coectig customers to the people ad places they love or providig our team members ...
Customer Service: +1 800 677 9555Email: new.business.apac@aa.com -
United Airlines Customer Service Number
A career is a jourey - take yours farther For over 90 years, we've bee coectig people ad uitig the world. We have seve US hub locatios, icludig hubs i the four largest cities i the Uited States ad over 90,000 employees residig i every U.S....
Customer Service: +1 872 825 2032Email: customercare@united.com -
Turkish Airlines Customer Service Number
About Turkish Airlies: Fouded i 1933 with a modest fleet of 5 aircraft, Star Alliace member Turkish Airlies is a airlie compay that flies to more tha 300 destiatios i the world with a fleet of more tha 300 (passeger ad cargo) aircraft. More...
Customer Service: +44 203 991 1993 -
DHL Customer Service Number
DHL is the leadig global brad i the logistics idustry. Our divisios offer a urivalled portfolio of logistics services ragig from atioal ad iteratioal parcel delivery, e-commerce shippig ad fulfillmet solutios, iteratioal express, road, air ...
Customer Service: +1 317 554 5191 -
Aramex Customer Service Number
At Aramex, we strive to coect the world, eablig growth ad wealth for busiesses, our employees, ad the commuities we parter with, through our passio, etrepreeurial spirit, ad cotiuous customer satisfactio. Fouded i 1982 as a express operato...
Customer Service: +1 718 553 8740Email: feedback@aramex.org -
Aramex South Africa Customer Service Number
Aramex is a provider of comprehesive logistics ad trasportatio solutios. Established i 1982, as a express operator, Aramex rapidly trasformed itself ito a global brad recogized for its customized services ad iovative multi-product offerig. ...
Customer Service: +2 716 933 4297Email: uaecare@aramex.com -
Qatar Airways Customer Service Number
Qatar Airways is the atioal airlie of the State of Qatar. Based i Doha, the Airlie’s tredsettig o-board product focuses o: comfort, fie cuisie, the latest i-flight audio & video etertaimet, award-wiig service ad a moder aircraft fleet...
Customer Service: +49 691 748 9914Email: us@qatarairways.com -
Saia Customer Service Number
Saia, Ic. (NASDAQ: SAIA) offers customers a wide rage of less-tha-truckload, o-asset truckload, expedited ad logistics services. With headquarters i Johs Creek, Georgia, Saia LTL Freight operates 169 termials across 44 states ad employs ove...
Customer Service: +1 800 950 7242Email: customerservice@saia.com -
Air Canada Customer Service Number
Air Caada is Caada's largest full-service airlie ad the largest provider of scheduled passeger services i the Caadia market, the Caada-U.S. trasborder market ad i the iteratioal market to ad from Caada. Together with its Air Caada Express r...
Customer Service: +55 113 254 6630 -
Alaska Airlines Customer Service Number
We’re creatig a airlie people love. It begis with each Alaska Airlies employee, brigig uique stregths ad eergy to our work i the air ad o the groud. Every day, we go beyod what’s expected ad reach for the remarkable, together. Welcome...
Customer Service: +1 206 244 0751 -
DHL Canada Customer Service Number
DHL is the leadig global brad i the logistics idustry. Our divisios offer a urivalled portfolio of logistics services ragig from atioal ad iteratioal parcel delivery, e-commerce shippig ad fulfillmet solutios, iteratioal express, road, air ...
Customer Service: +1 877 272 1054 -
Tnt Express Customer Service Number
TNT Express was acquired by FedEx i 2016. FedEx coects people ad possibilities through a worldwide portfolio of shippig, trasportatio, e-commerce ad busiess services. FedEx offers itegrated busiess applicatios through collaboratively maag...
Lippert Components Customer Service Number
Whether you're o the road or o the water, we supply premium RV, automotive, ad marie products desiged to ehace your fu. Our team is committed to always thikig about your ext jourey — pushig the possibilities of our products ad services, a...
Customer Service: +1 574 312 7434Email: lcitraining@lci1.com -
Air France Customer Service Number
Depuis 1933, la compagie Air Frace porte haut les couleurs de la Frace à travers le mode etier. Avec ue activité, répartie etre le trasport aérie de passagers, le fret, la maiteace et l’etretie aéroautique, Air Frace est u acteur maj...
Customer Service: +1 404 773 0305Email: contact.en.us@airfrance.fr -
American Airlines Vacations Customer Service Number
We’re hirig thousads of ew team members i 2022. Will you be oe of them? Here at America Airlies, we care for people o life’s jourey — whether that’s coectig customers to the people ad places they love or providig our team members ...
Customer Service: +1 817 786 3778Email: aav.customer.relations@aa.com -
Ethiopian Airlines Customer Service Number
Ethiopia Airlies Group (Ethiopia) is the fastest growig Airlie Group i Africa. I its sevety plus years of operatio, Ethiopia has become oe of the cotiet’s leadig carriers, urivaled i efficiecy ad operatioal success. Ethiopia commads the l...
Customer Service: +25 111 617 9900Email: tsmdse@ethiopianairlines.com -
Enterprise Truck Rental Customer Service Number
Eterprise Truck Retal is a service of the Eterprise Ret-A-Car brad, which is owed by Eterprise Holdigs, the largest car retal compay i the world. With early 300 locatios across North America, Eterprise Truck Retal provides every customer wi...
Customer Service: +1 888 736 8287 -
Egyptair Customer Service Number
EGYPTAIR is oe of the world’s pioeer airlies. Established i May of 1932, it became the seveth carrier i the world. EGYPTAIR joied the Star Alliace etwork, the largest airlie alliace i the world, to offer its customers better flight coecti...
Customer Service: +1 718 751 4855Email: newyork_kk@egyptair.com -
United Express Customer Service Number
A career is a jourey - take yours farther For over 90 years, we've bee coectig people ad uitig the world. We have seve US hub locatios, icludig hubs i the four largest cities i the Uited States ad over 90,000 employees residig i every U.S....