Quickly find business customer service phone numbers
  • Hobby Lobby logo
    Hobby Lobby Customer Service Number

    I 1970, etrepreeurs David ad Barbara Gree, alog with their youg family, bega makig miiature picture frames i their garage. A few years later, o August 3, 1972, the Gree family opeed the first Hobby Lobby store with a mere 300 square feet o...

    Customer Service: +1 405 745 1275

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  • Michaels logo
    Michaels Customer Service Number

    The Michaels Compaies, Ic. is North America's largest specialty provider of arts, crafts, framig, floral, wall décor, ad seasoal merchadise for Makers ad do-it-yourself home decorators. The Compay ows ad operates more tha 1,200 stores i 49...

    Customer Service: +1 972 409 1645

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  • Silhouette America logo
    Silhouette America Customer Service Number

    Silhouette America® is the maufacturer of electroic cuttig tools, such as the Silhouette CAMEO® ad Silhouette Portrait® as well as a craft friedly 3D priter called the Silhouette Alta®. Silhouette America® also offers a rich library of...

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  • Superior Labels logo
    Superior Labels Customer Service Number

    Sice 1995, Superior Labels Ic. has grow steadily from its humble begiig as a oe-product, home-based busiess to a multi-millio dollar busiess. Today, Superior Labels offers umerous custom label products, persoalized address labels ad rubber ...

    Customer Service: +1 800 546 9677

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