Advocate Healthcare Customer Service Number
Advocate Health Care is proud to be a part of Advocate Aurora Health, the 11th largest ot-for-profit, itegrated health system i the Uited States ad a leadig employer i the Midwest with more tha 75,000 employees, icludig more tha 22,000 urse...
Customer Service: +1 833 453 7902Email: [email protected] -
UMass Memorial Medical Center Customer Service Number
The flagship member of the UMass Memorial Health system, UMass Memorial Medical Ceter is the trusted academic medical ceter of cetral Massachusetts ad the cliical parter of the UMass Che Medical School. With over 800 beds (icludig bassiets)...
Customer Service: +1 508 943 2600Email: [email protected] -
Intermountain Healthcare Customer Service Number
Itermoutai Healthcare is a ot-for-profit system of hospitals, surgery ceters, doctors, ad cliics that serves the medical eeds of Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, Motaa, ad Kasas. Key medical services iclude cacer, heart, wome ad ewbors, ortho...
Customer Service: +1 844 442 1987Email: [email protected] -
Spectrum Health Customer Service Number
Spectrum Health is a ot-for-profit health system that provides care ad coverage, comprisig 31,000+ team members, 14 hospitals (icludig Hele DeVos Childre’s Hospital), a robust etwork of care facilities, teams of atioally recogized doctors...
Customer Service: +1 616 267 7000 -
Atlantic Health Systems Customer Service Number
At Atlatic Health System, our promise to our commuities is that ayoe who eters ayoe of our facilities, receive the highest quality care delivered at the right time, at the right place, ad at the right cost. That commitmet is also echoed i t...
Customer Service: +1 877 255 2133 -
Northwell Health Customer Service Number
Northwell Health is New York State’s largest health care provider ad private employer, with 23 hospitals, 830+ ambulatory facilities ad more tha 18,500 affiliated physicias. We care for over two millio people aually i the New York metro ...
Carilion Clinic Customer Service Number
Carilio Cliic is a ot-for-profit health care orgaizatio servig early oe millio people i Virgiia through hospitals, outpatiet specialty ceters ad advaced primary care practices. Led by multi-specialty physicia teams with a shared philosophy ...
Customer Service: +1 800 422 8482 -
Beaumont Health Customer Service Number
Beaumot Health is Michiga’s largest health care system (based o ipatiet admissios ad et patiet reveue) formed i 2014 to provide patiets with compassioate, extraordiary care, o matter where they live i Southeast Michiga. With eight hospit...
Customer Service: +1 855 577 5780 -
University Hospitals Customer Service Number
Fouded i 1866, Uiversity Hospitals serves the eeds of patiets through a itegrated etwork of 23 hospitals (icludig 5 joit vetures), more tha 50 health ceters ad outpatiet facilities, ad over 200 physicia offices i 16 couties throughout orthe...
Customer Service: +1 866 844 2273 -
Michigan Medicine Customer Service Number
Michiga Medicie, based i A Arbor, Michiga, is part of oe of the world’s leadig uiversities. Michiga Medicie is a premier, highly raked academic medical ceter ad award-wiig health care system with state-of-the-art facilities. Our visio ...
Customer Service: +1 734 936 6666 -
Staten Island University Hospital Customer Service Number
Northwell Health is New York State’s largest health care provider ad private employer, with 23 hospitals, 830+ ambulatory facilities ad more tha 18,500 affiliated physicias. We care for over two millio people aually i the New York metro ...
Seton Customer Service Number
Ascesio (www.ascesio.org) is a faith-based healthcare orgaizatio dedicated to trasformatio through iovatio across the cotiuum of care. As oe of the leadig o-profit ad Catholic health systems i the U.S., Ascesio is committed to deliverig com...
Seth Wadley Auto Group Customer Service Number
Ascesio (www.ascesio.org) is a faith-based healthcare orgaizatio dedicated to trasformatio through iovatio across the cotiuum of care. As oe of the leadig o-profit ad Catholic health systems i the U.S., Ascesio is committed to deliverig com...
Customer Service: +1 833 321 7566 -
Weatherford Regional Medical Center Customer Service Number
Healthcare excellece goes by oe ame. Medical City Healthcare is oe of the regio’s largest, most comprehesive healthcare providers ad icludes 16 hospitals, 12 ambulatory surgery ceters, 46 CareNow Urget Care4 ceters, more tha 5,000 activ...
Customer Service: +1 682 218 5230 -
TeamHealth Customer Service Number
At TeamHealth, our purpose is to perfect the practice of medicie, every day, i everythig we do. We are proud to be the leadig physicia practice i the U.S., drive by our commitmet to quality ad safety ad supported by our world-class operatig...
Customer Service: +1 865 693 1000 -
ProMedica Customer Service Number
ProMedica is a missio-based, ot-for-profit health ad well-beig orgaizatio headquartered i Toledo, Ohio. It serves commuities i 28 states. The orgaizatio offers acute ad ambulatory care, a isurace compay with a detal pla, ad post-acute ad ac...
Customer Service: +1 419 291 3000Email: [email protected] -
PRA Health Sciences Customer Service Number
PRA is ow a ICON plc compay. ICON ad PRA have come together as oe, creatig the world’s most advaced healthcare itelligece ad cliical research orgaisatio. We offer the best of both orgaisatios, with a goal to chage the way cliical resea...
Customer Service: +86 105 709 5218 -
Novacare Customer Service Number
NovaCare Rehabilitatio is part of the Select Medical Outpatiet Divisio, a atioally promiet, locally drive provider of outpatiet physical rehabilitatio. The Select Medical family of brads carries wide recogitio throughout the coutry.Together...
Northwestern Medicine Customer Service Number
Northwester Medicie is the collaboratio betwee Northwester Memorial HealthCare ad Northwester Uiversity Feiberg School of Medicie aroud a strategic visio to trasform the future of healthcare. It ecompasses the research, teachig, ad patiet c...