Milani Cosmetics Customer Service Number
Ispired by art, diversity ad attaiability, Los Ageles-based Milai Cosmetics® is a market leader withi the color cosmetics idustry, creatig prestige quality makeup at a affordable price. The brad is dedicated to providig luxe for all – lu...
Email: customerservice@milanicosmetics.com -
Eyeko Customer Service Number
Established i 1999, Eyeko is the award-wiig go-to brad for eyes, created by beauty veteras Max ad Nia Leykid. Favoured by celebrities, beauty editors ad acclaimed make-up artists alike, Eyeko re-iveted the mascara with its icoic zero-waste...
Email: customer.experience@thehutgroup.com -
Ilia Beauty Customer Service Number
SKINCARE POWERED MAKEUP. We believe i ski that looks like ski—ad radiace that comes aturally. Sice 2011, ILIA has bee at the forefrot of the clea beauty movemet, creatig iovative formulas with powerful actives that protect ad revive ski,...
Customer Service: +1 949 715 9099Email: international@iliabeauty.com -
Blinc Customer Service Number
Based i Florida, our compay was fouded i 1999 whe we pioeered our disruptive mascara ad eyelier tubig techology that caot smudge, fade, flake or ru. I that same momet, we committed to a reletless pursuit of iovatio i offerig the best of all...
Customer Service: +1 561 300 2727Email: complaints@blincinc.com -
Besame Cosmetics Customer Service Number
Bésame Cosmetics was fouded i 2004 out of a fasciatio with art, history, ad beauty; a vitage makeup brad which hoors the style, spirit, ad sesibility of female beauty. Through a kee eye for color ad historical expertise, we recreate moder...
Customer Service: +1 818 276 9400