Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

The following lists all Swipe Technologies support emails, if you have problems with the You can choose the corresponding email address to get support according to your question. Swipe Technologies also provides support phone numbers, you can also directly check all the customer service contacts of Swipe Technologies.
[General Info] contact email
[Sales/ Reservations] contact email

Swipe Technologies Overview

Headquartered globally in Singapore, with our base of operation in India, our research and design wings collectively work towards introducing innovative devices at affordable price. Swipe, since the beginning, has aimed at developing the Android smartphones and tablets, within the reach of common man. Being a team of industry veterans with expertise in information technology and nanotechnology, we ensure novel digital experience for our customers. After launching the first Made in India 3D tablet, we have never looked back. Going beyond the common man, now our services have happy partners and customers among large corporations as well.
Industry Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Headquarters Pune, Maharashtra
Company size 201-500 employees
Website http://www.justswipe.com
