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The corporate address of Suning Finance is listed below. This address may be home address or customer service address, usually including street, city (town), state (province), zip code(postal code), etc. It is recommended that you first confirm this address through support email or customer service phone number. If your product (service) needs support, it is recommended to obtain support through customer service phone and support email. view all customer service contact information.

Suning Finance Overview

Founded in 1990, Suning Holdings Group is one of the leading commercial enterprises in China, with two public companies in China and Japan. In 2017, the company was ranked second in the top 500 privately-owned enterprises in China, with an annual revenue of 81.3 billion USD (557.9 billion RMB). With its mission of “Leading the Ecosystem Across Industries by Creating Elite Quality of Life for All”, Suning has gone from strength to strength, expanding its core business through eight vertical industries: Suning.com, Logistics, Financial Services, Technology, Real Estate, Media & Entertainment, Sports, and Investment. Suning.com was listed on the Fortune Global 500. Suning.com is a leading online-to-offline(O2O) smart retail company in China. In the era of the Internet, Internet of Things and Big Data, Suning continues its long-term commitment to promote the integration of smart retail and O2O, full category operations, omni-channel operations, global expansion, logistics cloud services, data cloud, and financial cloud services, enabling one-stop shopping solutions through bricks-and-mortar stores, PCs, mobile devices and TVs at home. Looking forward, Suning will continue to promote a “High-Tech, Smart Services” strategy, with the vision of “Global Suning, Built to Last” and ​operating philosophy of “Shared Capabilities, Linked Resources, Platform Building, and Win-Win Cooperation”. Sunning will continue to partner with various industry players to expand into the global market and strive to build an even more diversified portfolio.
Industry Internet Publishing
Headquarters Nanjing, Jiangsu
Company size 10,001+ employees
Website http://www.suningholdings.com/
