All Southern Phone support phone numbers are listed below, including customer service phone number(s), support phone number(s), support phone number(s), support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Southern Phone support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Southern Phone.
Customer Service number | +6 113 1464 |
Customer Service number
(Equifax Australia) |
+6 113 8332 |
Customer Service number
(Illion (credit reporting and default listing)) |
+6 113 2333 |
Customer Service number
(Experian Australia) |
+61 130 078 3684 |
Customer Service number
(CreditorWatch) |
+61 130 050 1312 |
Customer Service number
(AGL Customer Advocacy) |
+6 113 1245 |
Customer Service number
(AGL Telecommunications) |
+61 130 036 1676 |
Southern Phone Overview
We are one of Australia's largest regionally based telcos. A major regional employer, both in Moruya, NSW and Bendigo, Vic, we provide NBN, ADSL, Satellite, Mobile and Home Phone services as we connect people across Australia.
In December 2019, we were acquired by AGL Energy Limited.
Industry | Telecommunications |
Headquarters | Moruya, NSW |
Company size | 201-500 employees |
Website | |