Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

 Customer Service Number [SK II]:

Customer Service number +1 866 678 1770
[Call Center] contact number
+4 920 357 0570
[Call Center] contact number
+44 870 242 1850
[Call Center] contact number
+3 490 067 0270
[Call Center] contact number
+39 065 097 2534
[Call Center] contact number
+3 382 587 8498
[General Inquiries] contact number
(Prospective Customers)
+1 800 692 0132
[General Inquiries] contact number
(P And G Professional)
+1 800 332 7787
[P And G Chemicals] contact number
(Americas and Headquarters)
+1 800 447 8899
[P And G Chemicals] contact number
+656 712 5121
[P And G Chemicals] contact number
(Europe, India, Middle East, Africa)
+4 158 004 5273
[Headquarters] contact number +1 513 983 1100
[Australia Location] contact number +61 180 002 8820
[South Korea Location] contact number +8 280 023 3333
[Malaysia Location] contact number +60 180 080 1782
[Singapore Location] contact number +651 800 270 1416
[Taiwan Location] contact number +88 680 001 8886
[Taiwan Location] contact number +88 680 009 3188

 Support Email(s) [SK II]:

[Legal] contact email
(Privacy Inquiries)
[Legal] contact email
(Privacy Inquiries)
[Media] contact email
