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All Sara Happ support phone numbers are listed below, including customer service phone number(s), support phone number(s), support phone number(s), support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Sara Happ support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Sara Happ.
Customer Service number +1 424 351 6388

Sara Happ Overview

Sara Happ Inc. is a company of beauty enthusiasts who have set out to do one thing only: create lip products that do exactly what they say they’ll do, every time. As The Lip Expert, Sara Happ is a treatment-focused line of products for lips, only using ingredients and technology that truly moisturize. Unlike other lip product’s that dry lips and make lip treatments an endless cycle, Sara’s treatments are nourishing, all natural, and even edible. Focused on innovative products to solve the most common lip problems, her 3 step morning and evening regimen will heal, nourish and revitalize even the most troublesome lips. Wonder how you ever lived without it. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahappinc/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahappinc/?hl=en
Industry Personal Care Product Manufacturing
Company size 2-10 employees
Website http://www.sarahapp.com
