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Prince Pipes And Fittings Overview

Prince Pipes and Fittings Limited – Leading the way for a future that ensures availability of clean water across India - from the smallest villages to the largest cities. Incorporated in 1987 Mumbai based, Prince Pipes and Fittings Limited is one of India’s largest integrated piping solutions & multi polymer manufacturers. Over its 35-year journey, Prince Pipes has evolved into India’s third-largest PVC pipes manufacturers and one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. In December 2021, Prince Pipes was inducted into the Fortune India 500 rankings. The company manufactures integrated piping solutions using four types of polymers - CPVC, UPVC, HDPE and PP-R. Leading brands of the company are Prince Piping Systems and Trubore. Today, with over 7200 SKUs, the brand serves multiple sectors including agriculture, plumbing, borewell and sewage with the widest range in underground drainage solutions. Supported by a strong pan India distribution network, the company is committed to leading a significant transformation in India’s water transportation activities. Driven by high industry expertise and deep domain knowledge, Prince Pipes brings foresight and an innovative mindset to resolve various water related challenges. The company is proud to hold the following patents: • Single Piece Nahani Trap - A single-piece UPVC injection moulded trap that prevents the entry of pests, small insects and foul gases into the house through water inlets. • Prince Safefit UPVC Column Pipes - With its patented circlip for enhanced strength. • DWC Coupler - Helps in ensuring long lasting and leakproof joints. • Vent Cowl 110 mm - A plastic, single piece Injection Moulded product, dimensions confirm to IS-14735. Used as a cap on top of the vertical line of toilet pipes to reduce pan syphoning discharging polluted air outside the building, prevents animals, birds etc. from entering pipework & disease-causing mosquito infestation.
Industry Wholesale Building Materials
Headquarters Mumbai, Maharastra
Company size 501-1,000 employees
Website https://www.princepipes.com/
