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PEOPLE is the #1 source for celebrity news and inspiring stories. We revolutionized personality journalism when we launched in 1974 with a mission to celebrate extraordinary people doing ordinary things and ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Today, we touch more than 100 million consumers, covering celebrities and entertainment, plus everything from style and beauty to pets and travel, royals to human interest, politics to crime, and more. We reach PEOPLE consumers everywhere they are, with a top-40 U.S. website, weekly print magazine, daily podcast, daily TV show and 24/7 coverage across social media platforms. We’re most proud to be a trusted news authority in and outside of Hollywood — if you hear it from PEOPLE, you know it’s true.
Industry Book and Periodical Publishing
Company size 10,001+ employees
Website http://www.people.com

 Customer Service Number [People Magazine]:

Customer Service number
+1 212 522 6699
Customer Service number +1 800 541 9000
Customer Service number +1 877 604 6512
Customer Service number
+1 212 479 1704
[Media] contact number
(Advertising Inquiries (SVP, Publisher))
+1 212 522 7130
[Media] contact number
(Advertising Inquiries (Associate Publisher))
+1 212 522 6739
[Media] contact number
(Advertising Inquiries (Executive Director))
+1 212 499 1513
[Headquarters] contact number +1 515 284 3000
[Complaints/ Feedback] contact number +1 800 352 5267
[Investors/ Franchasing] contact number
(Investor Relations Director)
+1 515 284 3622
[Investors/ Franchasing] contact number
(EQ Shareowner Services)
+1 800 468 9716

 Support Email(s) [People Magazine]:

[Customer Service] email
[Media] contact email
[Media] contact email
(SVP, Publisher)
[Media] contact email
(Associate Publisher)
[Legal] contact email
(Privacy Inquiries)
[Legal] contact email
(DMCA Inquiries)
[Media] contact email
(VP/Midwest Director)
[Media] contact email
(West Coast Ad Director)
[Media] contact email
(Executive Ad Director)
[Media] contact email
(Executive Director)
[Legal] contact email
(Reprint Permission Requests)
[Accessibility] contact email
[Investors/ Franchising] contact email
(Investor Relations Director)
[Investors/ Franchising] contact email
(EQ Shareowner Services)
[Jobs/ Career] contact email
