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The following lists Patanjali Ayurved's accounts (pages) on major social platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instgram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. You can find the support information (solution) of related problems through these social pages, and you can also use Patanjali Ayurved's support phone number, support email, or direct access to all Patanjali Ayurved customer service contacts.

Patanjali Ayurved Overview

Patanjali Ayurved Limited was established in 2006 with a thought of rural and urban development. The company is not merely an organization but a thought of creating a healthy society through Yog and Ayurved. We value our consumers and we believe by providing quality products a quality life for them can be created. This is our primary apprehension and thus, we try to take every measure to ensure quality like the Unique ID system to stop fake products. We recognize farmers as our main assets. They provide herbal and organic products on contract farming. The company takes various initiatives for farmers to raise their income and provide surety towards sale of their produce.
Industry Manufacturing
Headquarters Haridwar, Uttrakhand
Company size 10,001+ employees
Website http://www.patanjaliayurved.org/
