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Neuman Aqua Overview
Neuman Aqua (NA) is an international design/build company that specialises in diverse aquatic facilities ranging from bespoke residential or commercial swimming pools through to large scale waterpark developments.
Neuman Aqua provides a full array of services with in-house design capabilities from initial concept design, product selection, detailed design including hydraulics and filtration, through to complete turnkey projects for waterparks and swimming pools as well as service and maintenance.
Neuman Aqua designers and engineers have been involved in the aquatic leisure industry for over 40 years, working on some of the world’s most prestigious aquatic projects.
NA provides clients with a complete package of services, managing all the necessary interfaces and tailoring each project to reflect local conditions, cultures and design/construction requirements.
The company also provides a comprehensive range of ongoing service and maintenance for residential and commercial swimming pools as well as water features and waterpark requirements.
Industry | Construction |
Headquarters | Ockley, Surrey |
Company size | 11-50 employees |
Website | |