All Mitchells Fish Market support phone numbers are listed below, including Sales/ Reservations (Louisville, KY) support phone number(s), Sales/ Reservations (Lansing, MI) support phone number(s), Sales/ Reservations (Livonia, MI) support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Mitchells Fish Market support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Mitchells Fish Market.
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number
(Louisville, KY) |
+1 502 412 1818 |
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number
(Lansing, MI) |
+1 517 482 3474 |
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number
(Livonia, MI) |
+1 734 464 3663 |
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number
(Rochester Hills, MI) |
+1 248 340 5900 |
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number
(Woodmere, OH) |
+1 216 765 3474 |
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number
(Columbus, OH) |
+1 614 291 3474 |
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number
(Homestead, PA) |
+1 412 476 8844 |
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number
(Pittsburgh, PA) |
+1 412 571 3474 |
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number
(Brookfield, WI) |
+1 262 789 2426 |
[Headquarters] support phone number | +1 800 552 6379 |
Mitchells Fish Market Overview
Landry's is a multinational, diversified restaurant, hospitality, gaming, and entertainment conglomerate based in Houston, Texas. The company operates more than 500 high-end and casual dining establishments around the world, including well-known concepts, such as Landry’s Seafood, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., Rainforest Cafe, Morton’s The Steakhouse, The Oceanaire, McCormick & Schmick’s, Mitchell’s Fish Market, Chart House, Saltgrass Steak House, Claim Jumper, and Mastro’s Restaurants. The company also operates a group of signature restaurants, including Vic & Anthony’s, Grotto, Willie G’s, and others. The gaming division includes the renowned Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino concept, with locations in Las Vegas and Laughlin, NV, Atlantic City, NJ, Biloxi, MS, and Lake Charles, LA. The entertainment and hospitality divisions encompass popular destinations, including the Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier, Kemah Boardwalk, Aquarium Restaurants, and other exciting attractions, coupled with deluxe accommodations throughout the Houston and Galveston area, including the Westin Hotel in downtown Houston, the Kemah Boardwalk Inn and Luxurious San Luis Resort, including the Hilton and Holiday Inn located on Galveston Island.
Industry | Hospitality |
Headquarters | Houston, Texas |
Company size | 10,001+ employees |
Website | |