Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

 Customer Service Number [Massachusetts Division of Insurance]:

[General Info] contact number +1 617 521 7794
[General Info] contact number
(Toll Free)
+1 877 563 4467
[Legal] contact number +1 617 521 7309
[General Info] contact number
(Board of Appeal)
+1 617 521 7478
[General Info] contact number
(Surcharge/At-fault Hearings)
+1 617 521 7772
[General Info] contact number
(Registry Hearings)
+1 617 521 7539

 Support Email(s) [Massachusetts Division of Insurance]:

[Complaints/ Feedback] contact email
[General Info] contact email
(Board of Appeal Surcharge Hearings)
[General Info] contact email
(Producer Licensing)
[General Info] contact email
(Company Licensing)
[General Info] contact email
(DOI Public Records Request)
