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The following lists Lincoln's accounts (pages) on major social platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instgram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. You can find the support information (solution) of related problems through these social pages, and you can also use Lincoln's support phone number, support email, or direct access to all Lincoln customer service contacts.

Lincoln Overview

Welcome to the Lincoln Way, where everything we do is designed to help you move through the world more easily. An understanding of the human experience is at the core of our design and engineering process, and we look forward to sharing the many thoughtful touches we have built into each vehicle — not to mention our exceptional suite of services — all designed to help you go about your life with as little friction as possible. It’s all here for you, and we hope you enjoy the Lincoln Way: https://www.lincoln.com/why-lincoln/
Industry Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
Headquarters Frisco, Texas
Website https://www.lincoln.com/
