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Learning Tree International Overview

Established in 1974, Learning Tree International is a leading provider of IT and management training to business and government organizations worldwide. In addition, Learning Tree provides IT Workforce Optimization Solutions — a modern approach that improves the adoption of skills, and accelerates the implementation of technical and business processes required to improve IT service delivery. To support both business and government organizations in their workforce optimization efforts, Learning Tree develops structured learning paths prior to training, and provides implementation services that extend the value of training long after a training event has concluded. These custom services include: needs assessments, skill gaps analyses, blended learning solutions, and project acceleration and process implementation workshops. Over 2.5 million IT professionals have enhanced their knowledge, skills, and abilities from Learning Tree's hands-on, instructor-led training by accessing a broad library of proprietary and partner course content on topics including: web development, cyber security, program and project management, Agile and best practice adoption, operating systems, database administration and programming, networking, cloud computing, big data, software design and development, business intelligence, activity-based intelligence, leadership, management and business skills, and more. In complement to our award-winning proprietary courses, Learning Tree offers fully accredited learning services to ensure depth of our offering, through leading technology brands such as: Microsoft, AXELOS, ITIL, PRINCE2, IIBA, PMI, EC-Council, (ISC)2, ISACA, ICAgile, Scrum Alliance, Cisco, and more. Courses are offered worldwide at Learning Tree Education Centers, at client facilities, and live, online using AnyWare® — Learning Tree's superior, web-based attendance platform. Learning Tree also offers asynchronous modules via AnyTime.
Industry Business Skills Training
Headquarters Herndon, Virginia
Company size 501-1,000 employees
Website http://www.learningtree.com
