Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

 Customer Service Number [Kentucky Division of Consumer Protection]:

Customer Service number +1 502 696 5389
[​hotlines] contact number
(Consumer Protection)
+1 888 432 9257
[Headquarters] contact number +1 502 696 5300
[​hotlines] contact number
(Criminal Investigations)
+1 866 524 3672
[​hotlines] contact number
(Election Law Violations)
+1 800 328 8683
[​hotlines] contact number
(Medicaid Fraud / Patient Abuse)
+1 877 228 7384
[​hotlines] contact number
(Victims Advocacy)
+1 800 372 2551

 Support Email(s) [Kentucky Division of Consumer Protection]:

[Customer Service] email
[Legal] contact email
(Copyright Infringement Inquiries)
