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KAZ Minerals Overview

KAZ Minerals is a high growth copper company focused on large scale, low cost open pit mining in the CIS region, with a proven track record for the successful delivery of greenfield mining projects. The Group is listed in London and Kazakhstan and employs around 15,000 people, principally in Kazakhstan. The Group operates the Bozshakol and Aktogay open pit copper mines in the Pavlodar and East Region of Kazakhstan, three underground mines and associated concentrators in the East Region of Kazakhstan and the Bozymchak copper-gold mine in Kyrgyzstan. In 2018, total copper production was 295 kt with by-products of 50 kt of zinc in concentrate, 183 koz of gold and 3,511 koz of silver. In January 2019, the Group acquired the Baimskaya project in the Chukotka region of Russia, one of the world’s most significant undeveloped copper assets with the potential to become a large scale, low cost, open pit copper mine. The Group’s new operations at Bozshakol and Aktogay have delivered industry leading production growth and transformed KAZ Minerals into a company dominated by world class, open pit copper mines.
Industry Mining
Headquarters London, England
Company size 10,001+ employees
Website http://www.kazminerals.com
