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All John B Sanfilippo and Son support phone numbers are listed below, including customer service phone number(s), Jobs/ Career support phone number(s), Investors/ Franchasing (Investor Relations) support phone number(s), Investors/ Franchasing (Stockholders) support phone number(s), etc. You can also get John B Sanfilippo and Son support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of John B Sanfilippo and Son.
Customer Service number +1 847 289 1800
Customer Service number
+1 847 214 4545
Customer Service number
(Fisher Nuts Store)
+1 847 214 4400
[Jobs/ Career] support phone number +1 209 215 6126
[Investors/ Franchasing] support phone number
(Investor Relations)
+1 847 214 4612
[Investors/ Franchasing] support phone number
+1 800 937 5449

John B Sanfilippo and Son Overview

John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. is a growing leader in the snack food industry known internationally for the Fisher® brand name. We are a processor, packager, and marketer of a wide variety of nut and snack products. We are a publicly traded organization (JBSS) that employs over 1,300 individuals in five facilities across the country. Our annual sales have exceeded $700 million. Sanfilippo offers a unique corporate culture that is an exciting combination of a family-based atmosphere going back to 1922, a publicly traded corporate structure, and a growing organization that is expanding it’s sales and operations expertises to better serve our national customers and consumers.
Industry Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Headquarters Elgin, IL
Company size 1,001-5,000 employees
Website http://www.jbssinc.com
