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At InsiderPages.com people make recommendations local businesses that matter most (health and medical, home, family, auto, pet care) and find great services they can trust. We now have over 1,000,000 customer reviews from across the U.S. and over five million people visit our site each month to get the inside scoop on local businesses. The site is constantly improving as we strive to provide you with a better way to find a great dentist, plumber, pediatrician or a daycare. So come back often and keep those great reviews coming. Thanks for your help in making Insider Pages the best way to find local businesses on the Web!
Industry Internet Publishing
Headquarters San Francisco, CA
Company size 2-10 employees
Website http://www.insiderpages.com
Specialties RecommendationsLocal BusinessReviewsPersonal CareAutismPet CareParenthoodHomeowners

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