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The following lists all Groupe Robert support emails, if you have problems with the You can choose the corresponding email address to get support according to your question. Groupe Robert also provides support phone numbers, you can also directly check all the customer service contacts of Groupe Robert.
[Jobs/ Career] contact email
[General Info] contact email

Groupe Robert Overview

Since its founding in 1946, Groupe Robert perpetuates a tradition of excellence that makes it a leader in the transportation industry in North America. Employees are the cornerstone of its success based on solid expertise in logistics, transportation, storage and distribution. Focusing on responsible and committed employees, Groupe Robert guarantees to its partner clients innovative and effective solutions in an environment of quality and safety. Visit www.robert.ca or check job opportunities at www.robert.ca/careers. Follow us on Facebook : www.facebook.com/grouperobert
Industry Transportation, Logistics and Storage
Company size 1,001-5,000 employees
Website http://robert.ca
