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Miles is a universal rewards app empowering anyone to earn miles automatically for all forms of travel and commute. You can then redeem your miles from retailers such as Vudu, Walgreens, Silvercar, Ray-Ban, Getaround and many more. Similar to a frequent flyer program, but for all forms of transportation, Miles delivers value for every mile traveled, across every mode of travel, anywhere in the world. Whether by car (as a driver, passenger or rideshare), plane, train, subway, bus, boat, bicycle, or on foot, the Miles app effortlessly awards users’ travel - regardless of where their journey takes them. Miles can be saved or redeemed at any time - with the value increasing every month as more merchants accept them as a form of payment. Download Miles today to start getting rewarded! - https://app.getmiles.com/in Learn more: • Website: www.getmiles.com • Twitter: twitter.com/getmilesapp • Facebook: www.facebook.com/getmilesapp
Industry Internet Publishing
Headquarters Redwood City, California
Company size 11-50 employees
Website http://www.getmiles.com/
Specialties MobileTravelPredictive AnalyticsTransportationLifestyleRewards

 Customer Service Number [GetMiles]:

Customer Service number +1 408 250 9031

 Support Email(s) [GetMiles]:

[Customer Service] email
