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Gaggia Overview

One man’s quest for the perfect espresso gave birth to one of the most iconic Italian brands: Gaggia Milano. Everything started on Sept. 5th, 1938, in Milan, when Achille Gaggia filed the patent no. 365726 for a system to control the coffee extraction process with high precision, without the use of steam. Thanks to this disruptive invention, the espresso was never the same. From that moment on, people could enjoy a smooth and aromatic drink, characterized by a soft layer of marvelous “crema naturale”. The Italian espresso was born! Some years later, Achille decided to substitute the pressure operation with a piston. This innovative mechanism included the direct passage of hot water at high pressure through ground coffee, allowing the extraction of all the amazing coffee aromas and preserving precious and various nuances. Thanks to Gaggia, the espresso culture spread in coffee bars all over the world. In 1977, Gaggia enters the homes of the Italians with the iconic “Baby”, the first domestic coffee machine ever to be industrially produced on a large scale. That little piece of design was characterized by a filter-holder and a group that could be found usually only on professional machines. From there on, everyone could become a “home barista” with love, dedication and passion for the art of coffee making. Nowadays, Gaggia is still inspired by its unique history and strong values to satisfy the needs of all espresso lovers and of everyone who enjoys learning, selecting and experimenting. Despite the passing of the years, Gaggia never lost its deep bond with both tradition and innovation. With professional machines before, and now with the full automatic and manual domestic ones, each Gaggia product perfectly combines the pleasure of rituality with the dynamism of an ever-changing company.
Industry Manufacturing
Headquarters Milano, Milano
Company size 11-50 employees
Website http://www.gaggia.com
