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For over 110 years we’ve been helping people across the country do more than just send flowers and gifts. Along with our network of expert florists, we help you give joy, strength and love. And most importantly, we help you give it with meaning.
Industry Manufacturing
Headquarters Downers Grove, IL
Company size 501-1,000 employees
Website http://www.ftdcompanies.com/JobOpportunities
Specialties Gourmet Gift BasketsPersonalized GiftsSalesDesignE-commerceTechnologyGiftsGiftingFlowersInformation TechnologyCareersChicago

 Customer Service Number [FTD]:

Customer Service number
+1 800 736 3383
Customer Service number
(Outside the U.S. and Canada)
+1 630 719 7756
Customer Service number +1 630 719 7800

 Support Email(s) [FTD]:

[Customer Service] email
[General Info] contact email
[Legal] contact email
(Privacy Inquiries)
[Media] contact email
[Media] contact email
