Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

The following lists Ezlocal's accounts (pages) on major social platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instgram, LinkedIn, etc. You can find the support information (solution) of related problems through these social pages, and you can also use Ezlocal's support phone number, support email, or direct access to all Ezlocal customer service contacts.

Ezlocal Overview

EZlocal helps businesses manage and improve their local and social internet presence. A top ranked search directory since 2007 with millions of indexed listings, EZlocal offers complete digital presence and listings management, including high quality citation building, social media and reputation services, online advertising and amazing mobile-friendly websites. Founded in 2007, we power our work with proprietary technology (Chicago Innovation Awards Finalists) and dedicated account teams.
Industry Advertising Services
Headquarters Lombard, IL
Company size 11-50 employees
Website http://ezlocal.com
