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All Eyeko support phone numbers are listed below, including United States Location support phone number(s), United Kingdom Location support phone number(s), support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Eyeko support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Eyeko.
[United States Location] support phone number +1 844 433 5150
[United Kingdom Location] support phone number +44 160 627 2015

Eyeko Overview

Established in 1999, Eyeko is the award-winning go-to brand for eyes, created by beauty veterans Max and Nina Leykind. Favoured by celebrities, beauty editors and acclaimed make-up artists alike, Eyeko re-invented the mascara with its iconic zero-waste squeezy tubes and innovative Korean technology. "When it comes to great lashes you can always count on Eyeko."​ Vanity Fair As a fan of the brand, style icon Alexa Chung worked with Max and Nina on their mascara mission adding her creative vision and beauty know-how to iconic product collaborations. “Eyeko’s eyeliner is the best in the business.” Alexa Chung Eyeko pioneered the first Bespoke Mascara service tailor made to suit your lashes created from over a hundred different combinations there flagship counter in Selfridges. "Bespoke Mascara is life-changing"​ Financial Times
Industry Personal Care Product Manufacturing
Headquarters London, England
Company size 51-200 employees
Website http://www.eyeko.com
