Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

All Expedia support phone numbers are listed below, including customer service phone number(s), Discounts/ Rewards/ Cashback (Expedia Rewards points) support phone number(s), Headquarters (Expedia Group) support phone number(s), Legal support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Expedia support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Expedia.
Customer Service number
(From Abroad (charges apply))
+1 404 728 8787
Customer Service number +1 866 310 5768
Customer Service number +1 800 220 8176
[Discounts/ Rewards/ Cashback] support phone number
(Expedia Rewards points)
+1 800 397 3342
[Headquarters] support phone number
(Expedia Group)
+1 206 481 7200
[Legal] support phone number +1 877 787 7186
[Legal] support phone number
(Trademark, DMCA Complaints)
+1 425 679 3751
[Headquarters] support phone number
(Expedia Group, Investor Relations)
+1 425 679 3759
[General Info] support phone number +1 877 227 7481
[General Info] support phone number
(Life at Expedia Group)
+1 425 281 3128
