Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

All Detektivska Agencija Seguridad support phone numbers are listed below, including customer service phone number(s), General Info support phone number(s), support phone number(s), support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Detektivska Agencija Seguridad support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Detektivska Agencija Seguridad.
Customer Service number
(English-French Speaking Call Center. Mobile, Viber, WhatsApp. 24 Hours)
+3 816 338 7999
[General Info] support phone number +38 164 400 6095

Detektivska Agencija Seguridad Overview

Detektivska Agencija Seguridad je preduzeće za detektivske usluge i korporativnu bezbednost osnovano je 2015. godine sa ciljem pružanja istražnih usluga pravnim i fizičkim licima na najvišem profesionalnom nivou. Mi smo licencirana firma za pružanje detektivskih usluga od strane MUP-a Republike Srbije. Naši klijenti su firme i fizička lica kojima su potrebne kvalitetne i pravovremene informacije radi donošenja što kvalitetnijih poslovnih ili privatnih odluka. Detective Agency Seguridad Belgrade. Seguridad ltd. Belgrade is a company providing detective services and corporate security throughout Serbia. We are a full service investigation agency offering a full range of Business and Civil investigations services. Seguridad ltd. Belgrade is licensed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. We use the latest equipment, verified and trained techniques needed to successfully complete the entrusted tasks. Above all, with decades of experience in the field, cutting edge technology and worldwide contacts with specialized private investigators, you can count on us to deliver results within an approved time-frame.
Industry Security and Investigations
Headquarters Belgrade, Serbia
Company size 11-50 employees
Website https://www.detektivskaagencija.net/
