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Cr Brands Overview
Headquartered in West Chester, Ohio, CR Brands, Inc. specializes in the development, marketing, and sale of innovative, "cleaner" branded cleaning and laundry products under license with the Arm & Hammer & OxiClean brands. As the proud creator and supplier of Arm & Hammer Essentials Disinfecting Wipes, Arm & Hammer Fruit & Vegetable Wash, Arm & Hammer Garbage Disposal Cleaners, and the OxiClean Stain Remover Pen, CR Brands is working to bring better, greener cleaning products to families and businesses in the U.S. and Canada, including Wipes that disinfect without harsh chemicals and are great for use in schools, businesses, and homes.
CR Brands has been selling branded cleaning & laundry products for over 2 decades, and enjoys longstanding relationships with many of America's top retailers. Our talented and motivated team members are well-equipped to drive further growth in our business
Check us out at: and
Industry | Manufacturing |
Headquarters | West Chester, Ohio |
Company size | 11-50 employees |
Website | |