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Australia’s leading provider of financial services including retail, premium, business and institutional banking, funds management, superannuation, insurance, investment and sharebroking products and services. We are a business with more than 800,000 shareholders and over 52,000 employees. We offer a full range of financial services to help all Australians build and manage their finances. Connect with us, we'd like to hear from you: facebook.com/commonwealthbank twitter.com/commbank youtube.com/commbank youtube.com/commbankbusiness instagram.com/commbank Our Community Guidelines can be found at: https://www.commbank.com.au/support/social-networks.html For information on our Privacy Policy visit https://www.commbank.com.au/support/privacy
Industry Financial Services
Headquarters Sydney, NSW
Company size 10,001+ employees
Website http://www.commbank.com.au/

 Customer Service Number [Commonwealth Bank Of Australia]:

Customer Service number +6 129 999 3283
Customer Service number +6 113 2221
Customer Service number +61 130 055 5727
Customer Service number
(Financial hardship)
+61 130 072 0814
Customer Service number
(Personal loans)
+6 113 1431
Customer Service number
(Colonial First State)
+6 113 1336
Customer Service number
(Essential Super)
+6 113 4074
Customer Service number
(Commonwealth Financial Planning)
+61 180 013 8713
Customer Service number
(International Securities)
+61 130 036 1170
[General Info] contact number +6 113 1998
[Media] contact number +6 129 118 6919

 Support Email(s) [Commonwealth Bank Of Australia]:

[Customer Service] email
[Media] contact email
