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Built from 120 years of experience, Coleman is the catalyst that inspires connections between people and the outside. We believe that these connections rejuvenate the bonds between each other and the planet, paving the path for a better tomorrow. The Outside is Calling. Answer It.
Industry Manufacturing
Headquarters Chicago, Illinois
Company size 1,001-5,000 employees
Website http://www.coleman.com
Specialties manufacturingoutdoorrecreationcampingbackpackingmarinelightingheatinghikingconsumer goods

 Customer Service Number [Coleman]:

[Consumer Service] contact number +1 800 835 3278
[Atlanta Location] contact number
(Designated Agent)
+1 770 407 3800
[Legal Department] contact number
(Designated Agent)
+1 770 418 7000

 Support Email(s) [Coleman]:

[Business Customer Service] email
[Legal] contact email
(Copyright Infringement Inquiries)
[Media] contact email
