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Clinicient simplifies care delivery for PT, OT, and SLP organizations with one easy-to-use software platform designed to improve clinical workflows and optimize business performance. Committed to elevating rehab therapy to its rightful place in the healthcare ecosystem, we’re laser-focused on simplifying complex workflows for greater efficiencies and better outcomes. We help clinic teams work smarter, not harder, with one easy-to-use platform offering: EMR, Billing Software, Patient Engagement, Outcomes Management, RCM, Patient Services, and an enterprise-level suite of Business Intelligence tools all working together to improve clinical care processes. Clinicient’s Insight Platform supports the full business cycle for rehab therapy organizations of all sizes. With a 97% client retention rate, 30% improvement in efficiencies, and a 10% increase in net collections, Clinicient is proud to partner with over 35,000 therapists to help deliver exceptional clinical care.
Industry Software Development
Headquarters Portland, Oregon
Company size 51-200 employees
Website http://www.clinicient.com
Specialties EMRBilling Software

 Customer Service Number [Clinicient]:

Customer Service number +1 855 900 9227
Customer Service number +1 503 525 0275
Customer Service number +1 877 312 6494
[Sales/ Reservations] contact number +1 877 252 4774
[Legal] contact number +1 855 866 6736

 Support Email(s) [Clinicient]:

[Customer Service] email
[General Info] contact email
[Legal] contact email
