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The corporate address of CHS is listed below. This address may be home address or customer service address, usually including street, city (town), state (province), zip code(postal code), etc. It is recommended that you first confirm this address through support email or customer service phone number. If your product (service) needs support, it is recommended to obtain support through customer service phone and support email. view all customer service contact information.

CHS Overview

CHS Inc. (www.chsinc.com) is a leading global agribusiness owned by farmers, ranchers and cooperatives across the United States. Diversified in energy, grains and foods, CHS is committed to helping its customers, farmer-owners and other stakeholders grow their businesses through its domestic and global operations. CHS supplies energy, crop nutrients, grain marketing services, livestock feed, food and food ingredients, along with business solutions including insurance, financial and risk management services. The company operates petroleum refineries/pipelines and manufactures, markets and distributes Cenex® brand refined fuels, lubricants, propane and renewable energy products. CHS preferred stock is listed on the NASDAQ at CHSCP.
Industry Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Headquarters Minnesota, 55077
Company size 10,001+ employees
Website https://www.chsinc.com
