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CareNow® is dedicated to reducing your wait while improving your health. With more than 200 urgent care clinics around the United States, CareNow® is ready to serve you near your home, workplace or school. Most of our clinics are open 7 days a week and stay open late to provide care when you need it the most. Each CareNow® clinic is staffed by qualified and experienced healthcare providers dedicated to improving lives. Our doctors and medical staff are trained in family practice, emergency medicine or internal medicine. We offer a wide range of primary and urgent care services for the entire family. From regular check-ups to flu treatments, we’re here for you.
Industry Hospitals and Health Care
Headquarters Coppell, Texas
Company size 1,001-5,000 employees
Website http://www.carenow.com
Specialties family medicineurgent careoccupational medicinetravel medicine

 Customer Service Number [CareNow]:

Customer Service number +1 972 745 7500

 Support Email(s) [CareNow]:

[Customer Service] email
[Legal] contact email
(Copyright Infringement Inquiries)
