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We host the Boomer Biz Zone private Facebook Groups where boomer entrepreneurs learn and share, and we are an award-winning provider of business start-up training and coaching specializing in work with individuals over age 50. Our Virtual Incubator one-on-one business startup coaching package was awarded "​ Best Entrepreneurial Guide for People Over 50"​ by the editors of Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine. Our mission for Virtual Incubator is expressed by the saying: "You do what you do best. We do the rest"​. Our Virtual Incubator coach guides the client to craft a powerfully profitable marketing strategy and plan, while our startup support team completes a series of key organizational tasks for the client, ranging from selecting a domain name, to building a compelling website to installing and using accounting software.
Industry Business Consulting and Services
Headquarters Arlington Heights, Illinois
Company size 2-10 employees
Website http://www.bizstarters.com/facebook-group

 Customer Service Number [Bizstarters]:

Customer Service number +1 847 305 4626
