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Bizjournals Overview

The Nation’s Premier Print and Digital Publisher of Local Business News American City Business Journals is a multi-platform media company providing in-depth coverage of local business communities and breaking news. Through print, digital products and face-to-face events, ACBJ offers business leaders many avenues for making connections and gives them a competitive edge locally, regionally and nationally. ACBJ is the premier media solutions platform for companies that target business decision-makers. In addition to its business newspapers, American City operates BizEquity. This online business valuation platform helps financial professionals create more valuable relationships with business owners. American City also publishes specialty publications, which include a high-tech business newspaper, a law journal, and Hemmings Motor News. American City is a unit of Advance, whose exceptional portfolio includes Condé Nast, Advance Local, Leaders Group, Stage Entertainment, Turnitin, 1010data, and POP. Advance is also among the largest shareholders in Charter Communications, Discovery and Reddit.
Industry Book and Periodical Publishing
Headquarters Charlotte, NC
Company size 1,001-5,000 employees
Website http://www.acbj.com
