Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

All Bell Food Group support phone numbers are listed below, including customer service phone number(s), General Info support phone number(s), Media (Marketing Inquiries) support phone number(s), Investors/ Franchasing (Head Board Office/Shares Office) support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Bell Food Group support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Bell Food Group.
Customer Service number +4 158 326 2626
Customer Service number
(Olai Interactive)
+4 132 625 5005
[General Info] support phone number +4 158 326 2000
[Media] support phone number
(Marketing Inquiries)
+4 158 326 3030
[Investors/ Franchasing] support phone number
(Head Board Office/Shares Office)
+4 158 326 2020

Bell Food Group Overview

The Bell Food Group is one of the leading processors of meat and convenience products in Europe. Its range of products includes meat, poultry, charcuterie, seafood, convenience products and freshly cut salads. With the brands Bell, Hilcona, Hügli and Eisberg, the Group meets a diversity of customer needs. Its customers include the retail trade as well as the food service sector and the food processing industry. Some 12,000 employees generate annual revenues of CHF 4 billion. Bell Food Group is listed on the Swiss stock exchange. www.bellfoodgroup.com/en
Industry Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Headquarters Basel, BS
Company size 10,001+ employees
Website http://www.bellfoodgroup.com
